[S6E19] The Second Coming [PATCHED]
Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: Sexually harassing Meadow was just plain stupid on Coco's part, drunk or not. But it was apparently helped along by the Sambuka that Meadow smelt on his breath.
Always Save the Girl: You have to hand it to Patrick: it took balls on his part to be willing to stand up and have a go with a much larger and stronger Coco in Meadow's defense.
"Awkward Silence" Entrance: The other mobsters go silent once Tony enters Satriale's, after A.J.'s Bungled Suicide.
Bearer of Bad News: The foreman breaks it to Butchie and Coco that Silvio has pulled their no-show jobs. He gets a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown for his troubles.
Big "WHAT?!": Tony is incredulous when he hears about Coco's "tuck her in at night" comment. "Tuck you in??!!"
Blame Game: Tony and Carmela get into a massive argument where they blame each other for A.J.'s Bungled Suicide.
It becomes a three-way fingerpointing affair when Carmela and Tony participate in a joint therapy session with A.J.
Bungled Suicide: A.J. attempts to commit suicide by tying a cinder block to his ankle, tying a plastic bag over his head, and then dumping the block into the swimming pool. But the rope to the cinder block is too long to keep A.J.'s head underwater, and A.J. ends up tearing off the plastic bag and thrashing and crying for help. That buys enough time for Tony to arrive home, hear his cries for help, and then save his life.
But for Me, It Was Tuesday: When Tony and Carmela are in a therapy session with A.J. and he brings up the incident where Carmela called him an "animal" after he was caught smoking marijuana at his confirmation party, Carmela does not remember it.
Bystander Syndrome: A.J. admits to his psychiatrist that he felt powerless to stop the two Jasons from beating the Somalian cyclist last episode.
Butchie Knew When To Fold 'Em when Tony stopped by the restaurant to pay Coco a visit.
The restaurant staff don't lift a finger on behalf of their boss, Coco, even as he's being brutalized by Tony. To be fair, the staff knew that Mafia business was going on before their eyes and that it would have been dangerous to involve themselves.
Call-Back: A.J. recalls being deeply affected by Livia's comments that life is a "big nothing" and, "in the end . . . you die in your own arms" when he visited her in "D-Girl". A.J. also recalls Carmela calling him an "animal" for smoking marijuana at his confirmation, which occurred in the same episode. It is notable that in "Funhouse", Tony, after waking up from the dream that he burns himself alive, says "It's all a big nothing... Life." to Carmela.
Dr. Melfi had previously quoted from Yeats' The Second Coming in "Cold Cuts", reciting two lines of the poem not heard in this episode: "The centre cannot hold" and "The falcon cannot hear the falconer".
Cement Shoes: A.J. tries to kill himself in a similar manner.
Character Development: Bobby seems to have taken on a harder demeanor, suggesting that he's embraced his rise in The Mafia and the baggage that comes with it.
A.J. actually starts to take an interest in reading and secular knowledge. But it leads to his Despair Event Horizon and Bungled Suicide.
Meadow has firmly decided to go into law instead of medicine. Another step towards becoming an Amoral Attorney for the mob, and Daddy's Little Villain.
Chekhov's Classroom: Dr. Kuppferberg tells Dr. Melfi about a study that indicates psychiatric talk therapy actually enables sociopaths (like her patient Tony Soprano) to become better at their destructive behavior, rather than helping them break out of it.
Continuity Nod: During their fight, Carmela angrily mentions the incident when Tony's father accidentally shot his mother through her beehive hairdo, as told to her by Janice in "Soprano Home Movies"; Tony hates the anecdote because it makes the Soprano family look "dysfunctional."
When Carmela visits A.J. in the psych ward, she notices a blond girl constantly pulling at her hair. Just like Meadow's college roommate, Caitlin.
Tony appeals to Phil to negotiate and work together, in front of all the mobsters referring to the peace-making conversation they had in the hospital after he had suffered a heart attack, which happened in "Kaisha".
Crapsack World: A.J. is sinking further and further into viewing the world as such.
Curb-Stomp Battle: A very literal example. Tony Pistol Whips Coco into a bloody mess on the floor. Tony then forces a barely conscious Coco to bite the edge of a wooden step and then stomps his bloody teeth out.
Dating What Daddy Hates: Meadow was reluctant to tell Carmela and Tony about dating Patrick Parisi for fear of getting this kind of reaction.
Deadpan Snarker: Tony to the FBI agents, "Thanks for stopping by. Next time we'll have party hats."
Despair Event Horizon: The more A.J. learns just how awful the world is, the more filled with despair and hopelessness he comes.
Dirty Coward: Butchie previously acted like The Napoleon towards Tony when he had several other New York mobsters watching his back and Tony was by himself. When Tony shows that he's deadly serious and Pistol-Whipping Coco and Butchie is the only other one there? Butchie backs down like a whipped dog.
Dirty Old Man: Coco comes over and makes several lewd remarks to Meadow, which upsets her greatly.
Double Speak mixed with plenty of Half-Truth and Understatement: You could insert translation subtitles for when Tony reassures Meadow as follows:It's alright. It's ok. (I got this taken care of) He's an idiot. (For ever thinking of perving on my daughter) But he's harmless. (At least compared to me he is) I'll talk to somebody. (I'll get in a few 'Motherfucker!'s and 'My fuckin' daughter's while I'm pounding his face in.)
Driven to Suicide: A.J., after he soaks in a lot of information about what a Crapsack World he lives in.
Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Tony shows absolutely no hesitation in diving into the swimming pool and saving A.J. once he realizes that A.J. is in real danger of drowning. He then swings back and forth between being angry at A.J. and trying to comfort and console his son.
Tony gives severe Papa Wolf retribution to Coco in the form of Pistol-Whipping and Curb Stomping his teeth out for sexually harassing Meadow.
We never see Phil and Coco spend any real time together onscreen. But it's heavily implied that they were close friends. Tony's brutalization of Coco is what spurs Phil to declare war on New Jersey.
Even Evil Has Standards: Butch is visibly nauseated by Tony's brutal beating of Coco.
Evil Is Petty: It is implied that Phil stonewalling Tony is motivated as least by spite over past slights.
Feud Episode: Tensions rise between the Jersey and New York families, but especially between Tony and Phil. Phil totally hardballs Tony on the asbestos issue.
Tony retaliates by having Silvio pull the no-show jobs for Butchie and Coco on a joint construction project. The pair respond by giving the foreman a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
Coco the Dirty Old Man sexually harasses Meadow while she's on a date with Patrick Parisi.
Tony in turn Pistol Whips the hell out of Coco, and then Curb Stomps his teeth out.
Phil afterward threatens to shut down a mall project that is shared with the Jersey mob.
Phil rejects Tony's peace offering and effectively declares war on New Jersey.
Gory Discretion Shot: Coco's head is hidden behind Butchie's table when Tony Curb Stomps his teeth out. The most we see are a few of Coco's teeth hitting the floor of the restaurant. And we never see what condition he's in afterward, although we are informed that he barely survived the assault.
Inelegant Blubbering: A.J., after Tony pulls him out of the pool.
It Runs in the Family: Tony ascribes A.J.'s issues with depression and anxiety to the Soprano family curse.
It's All My Fault: Tony sometimes blames himself for A.J. feeling Driven to Suicide.
Kneel Before Zod: Little Carmine cajoles Tony into Kneeling Before Phil in the wake of Tony's No-Holds-Barred Beatdown and CurbStomping of Coco.
Know When to Fold 'Em: Butchie backs down whenever Tony threatens him, even as Tony is Pistol-Whipping Coco and then Curb Stomps Coco's teeth out.
Large Ham: Phil, and at Tony's expense during their sitdown.
Living Lie Detector: Tony knows something is up despite Meadow initially saying nothing's the matter.
Manly Tears: Tony sheds some after saving A.J. from suicide.
Meaningful Echo: A.J. is convinced his medication isn't working. "Why can't I catch a fuckin' break!" Very similar to what Tony said at the start of season 6. Like Father, Like Son.
Middle Eastern Terrorists: Tony identifies Ahmed and Muhammad in the photographs that Agents Goddard and Harris show him.
Never My Fault: Tony, as he has previously, blames Carmela for coddling A.J. for the Bungled Suicide. But he admits to Dr. Melfi that on a deeper level, he actually blames himself.
And A.J. for his part blames his parents for his issues during his joint therapy session.
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Coco and Butchie give one to the foreman on a joint construction project they share with the Jersey family.
Tony walks into Coco's restaurant, and Pistol Whips the hell out of him. He then straddles Coco's teeth over the edge of a wooden step, and literally Curb Stomps his teeth out.
Out of the Frying Pan: A.J.'s issues seem to have gotten worse precisely because Tony connected him with the two Jasons.
Papa Wolf: Tony Pistol Whips Coco to a bloody mess, and then Curb Stomps his teeth out, for daring to make lewd comments to Meadow.
Pet the Dog: Tony, when he saves A.J.'s life and then comforts him.
The other Jersey mobsters break out of their awkward silence and genuinely try to comfort Tony over A.J.'s Bungled Suicide.
Pistol-Whipping: Tony's method of giving Coco the No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
Political Overcorrectness: Tony again relates to Dr. Melfi that softer more modern approaches to raising children are not conducive to instilling discipline and maturity. It's a given that he sees Carmela as having been too coddling towards A.J.
Promotion to Opening Titles: Arthur Nascarella (Carlo Gervasi) is promoted to the main cast and billed in the opening credits but only for this episode.
The Reveal: Meadow's "mystery date" is revealed to be Patsy's eldest son, Patrick Parisi.
Revenge Before Reason: Played with in Tony's instance. Tony's Curb-Stomp Battle on Coco is what precipitates the Mob War between New Jersey and New York in earnest. But perhaps Tony was concerned Phil would just laugh him off if he went through the proper avenue of a sitdown. It was on the heels of Phil hardballing him on the asbestos issue after all, where all he got was Phil cracking jokes at his expense before dismissing him.
Played straight by Phil, who declares war on New Jersey and rejects any peace offerings made by Tony, even though their joint business ventures will now grind to a halt.
Self-Serving Memory: Carmela vehemently denies calling A.J. an animal at his confirmation party even after he repeats her insult word for word.
Shout-Out: Tony Curb Stomping Coco's teeth out on the wooden step is practically a reenactment of when Derek did the same thing to a Black gangbanger on concrete during American History X.
Slasher Smile: Tony is wearing a big one once he's decided what exactly he's going to do to Coco.
Small Role, Big Impact: Coco had very limited screen time in all of two episodes. The background is that tensions have been building for some time between the New Jersey and New York families. Tony Pistol-Whipping Coco and Curb Stomping his teeth out is the match that lights the whole thing on fire, and precipitates the Mob War between the two families.
Smug Snake: While Dr. Kupferberg does have a valid point to make to Dr. Melfi, he is being rather smug and self-righteous in how he delivers it. And Dr. Melfi tries to call him on it too.
Soapbox Sadie: A.J. becomes an unusual variation, with a heavy emphasis on being The Cynic. His realization that he lives in a Crapsack World has him railing against almost any and every human activity that occurs, yet he has few if any solutions to offer.
Straw Nihilist: A.J.'s soaking in of info about what a Crapsack World he lives in pushes him harder and harder into this territory, especially in combination with the seeds planted inside of him by Livia when he was younger. So much so that he ends up feeling Driven to Suicide by the resulting Despair Event Horizon.
Tony admits to Dr. Melfi that he himself is wondering if there's any point to life or existence.
Suicide Is Shameful: Tony tells Dr. Melfi that he believes this, citing the belief that it's the coward's way out. Melfi retorts that whoever said that never understood depression.
Take Back Your Gift: Although there isn't a breakup, Carmela takes off her gift watch from Tony and throws it on the floor.
Team Switzerland: Little Carmine tries again to resolve tensions between New Jersey and New York in the wake of Tony Curb Stomping Coco. Problem is, Team Phil doesn't want to play.
Tempting Fate: How could Coco possibly think it was a good idea to perv on Tony's beloved daughter?
This Means War!: How Phil reacts to Tony's Pistol-Whipping and Curb Stomping of Coco.
Too Dumb to Live: Even if the New York family is more powerful than the Jersey family, Coco couldn't possibly be anything other than colossally stupid for thinking he could sexually harass Meadow without triggering Tony's Papa Wolf instincts. He was lucky Tony let him lie on the floor barely alive after getting his teeth smashed out on the step.
Toxic Waste Can Do Anything: The way Bobby reacts to even the prospect of touching asbestos, you'd think it was the same thing as touching radioactive waste. Asbestos apparently has Phlebotinum properties in-universe.
Paulie goes Cloud Cuckoolander while trying to comfort Tony. And apparently, every trace of toxin in Earth's biosphere can drive kids to suicide.
Tranquil Fury: Tony can barely contain himself as he listens to Meadow describe Coco sexually harassing her.
The Un-Favorite: A.J. feels Tony and Carmela favor Meadow over him.
Ironically, Meadow retorts that being Italian-American inherently means that sons will always be favored over daughters.
Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Albert mentioning Coco's name in front of Meadow condemns him to a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown and Curb-Stomp Battle at Tony's hands.
Wham Episode: A.J. has so far over the course of six seasons done little else but be an eternal Dumbass Teenage Son. Now we see his character go into whole new directions that lead to him feeling Driven to Suicide. Tensions between the New Jersey and New York families explode, heralding a Mob War to conclude the series.
White Shirt of Death: A very downplayed and unusual example. Tony is having a joint therapy session with Carmela and A.J. He notices one of Coco's bloody teeth lodged in the ankle cuff of his pants. He discreetly brings his leg into a sitting crossed-over position and gets rid of the tooth while Carmela and A.J. aren't looking at him directly.
You Are Fat: Tony explains that he couldn't fit "Tony" into the engraving on the back of the watch he bought for Carmela. She says "I can believe that" and then pats him on the stomach.
Carlo cracks a joke about Bobby having a whole platter of mushrooms to himself.
You Are What You Hate, combined with Call-Back: Tony mocks A.J. during the joint therapy session with "Poor you", without realizing that's what Livia said to him so many times.
[S6E19] The Second Coming